Posts By: Suneel

Bird of Paradise colorful

Mother Nature is an unmatched artist. She makes the rich colors come alive like no one else can. Ever wondered how every part of nature is full of shades of the 7 basic colors of light? Or how the sky, rainbows and colorful birds seem to have a connection which can only be felt but… Read More

Brown Bear Russia National Animal

National animals are cultural symbols of the country they represent. Every country has it’s own national animal that represents the ideals of its population. Sometimes this leads to very interesting situations. For example, the national animal of Scotland is actually a fictitious creature – The unicorn!

Creepy frog face

Scary animals often give people the creeps. Some animals are scary while the rest are cute. But what happens when cute animals get mixed up in a scary blog post? We asked all these big eyed animals to give us their most badass staredowns. And they did. Well….atleast they tried their best. Here is a… Read More

Dogs and ball play

Dogs are the only creatures in the world who love you more than themselves.  No matter what the shape or size your dog is, he loves you to death and will protect you even if the whole world is against you. Throughout history, we all have heard countless stories of bravery, faith and  loyalty of dogs… Read More

African Elephants Biggest herbivore

Which is the biggest living creature on earth? It is a question that has dazzled man since the early ages. People often wonder about the Earth’s biggest fish, herbivore, cat, bird, reptile etc. Do you know that the Earth’s biggest water animal is not a fish or that the World’s biggest bird cannot fly? Read… Read More

zebra black stripes

Our Earth is home to an amazing variety of fascinating creatures. We frequently forget the fact that we live in the midst of fascinating animals. Here is an interesting Fact: Did you know that cows from different countries ‘moo’ in different accents? Read below to know about more such little known but amazing animal facts…. Read More

Picture of 3 White Butterflies

Butterflies are magical creatures! They are one of the most beautiful insects of the animal kingdom. Not many animal lovers are aware of the fact that Butterflies have an extraordinary life cycle! Here is a brief description of each stage of the butterfly life cycle! Butterflies have always captured our imaginations. They come in hundreds of… Read More

Man and Tiger in playful mood.

Tigers are one of the most majestic creatures on earth. Even though tiger is the largest cat on earth, it is an endangered animal. Thousands of tigers have been killed by hunters and poachers in the last century. Most of the 3500 tigers alive today are found in Asian countries like India, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Thailand etc…. Read More

Cheetah - The fastet land animal

Animals are remarkable athletes! Their athletic skills and abilities are far superior than those of humans. Keeping this in in mind, we decided to host Animal Olympics this year! The competition was intense and neck-to-neck. Here is the ultimate list of the Champions of the Animal Kingdom. 1. Cheetah – The fastest land animal on… Read More