National animals are cultural symbols of the country they represent. Every country has it’s own national animal that represents the ideals of its population. Sometimes this leads to very interesting situations. For example, the national animal of Scotland is actually a fictitious creature – The unicorn!
Remember the movie Kung-Fu Panda? Yup, that’s China’s national animal. Which animal do you picture of when I mention Spain? If you thought of a bull, guess hit the jackpot! Similarly, Australia’s animal is the red kangaroo while India’s national animal is the Bengal tiger. We present to you photographic list of the national animals of 16 countries. Enjoy!
National Animal of United States – The Bald Eagle

National Animal of India – The Royal Bengal Tiger

National Animal of Canada – The Beaver

National Animal of Scotland – The Unicorn

National Animal of Australia – The Red Kangaroo

National Animal of Russia – The Russian Brown Bear

National Animal of Germany – The Black Eagle

National Animal of Brazil – The Jaguar

National Animal of Indonesia – The Komodo Dragon

National Animal of United Kingdom – The Lion

National Animal of Spain – The Bull

National Animal of Italy – The Italian Wolf

National Animal of Philippines – The Carabao

National Animal of Mexico – The Xoloitzcuintle

National Animal of Turkey – The Grey Wolf

National Animal of China – The Giant Panda

As you can see, more often than not, the national animal itself becomes the face of a country’s wildlife. This is why all nations take extra measures in conserving and protecting their national animal. Did your country’s national animal get listed here? If not, send us a comment and we’ll add it here!
USA, National animal of India, Canada, Scotland, Australia, Russia, Germany, Brazil,
Indonesia, UK, Spain, Italy, Philippines, Mexico, Turkey, China