Posts By: anastasiia

In celebration of Polar Bear Day, we’ve gathered some interesting facts and great photos of these beautiful animals. 1. Polar bears are the largest land carnivores in the world. They feed almost exclusively on ringed seals and bearded seals. 2. Polar bears live in one of the planet’s coldest environments, the Arctic (U.S. (Alaska), Canada,… Read More


In honor of Valentine’s Day, we decided to share with you some of the sweetest photos of animals that are most faithful to their spouses. Apes, birds and even fish! While monogamy is very rare in the Animal Kingdom, there are several creatures that offer a great example of a long-term or even lifelong pair-bond…. Read More

The animal kingdom is filled with examples of incredibly bright and colorful creatures. There are also some other animals that have a very unique trait. Albinism in animals is rare. And perhaps, that’s one of the reasons why these light, monochrome and pure-white animals catch our attention and leave such a strong impression. According to Wikipedia, albinism is… Read More

Meet the Maltipoo, one of the most petite hybrid dog breeds! 1. Cross breed Maltipoo is a cross between a Maltese and a miniature poodle or toy poodle. 2. Generations There are 1st generation and 2nd generation dogs. A first generation Maltipoo has parents which are each purebred Poodle and purebred Maltese. Second generation Maltipoos… Read More

The arrival of a Christmas tree can be a very exciting moment for your furry friend. All the Christmas lights and twinkly decorations are even more tantalizing… Right, the Christmas spirit gets to all of us. And there’s something incredibly cute about cats in Christmas costumes. Find the perfect one for your little friend! The… Read More