Text From Dog is an extremely funny tumblr blog where October Jones, the author of the blog gets texts from his bulldog.
It’s one of the most popular site for dog lovers and pet owners.
He says:
“My dog and I are so happy that people are enjoying the texts,although he feels he deserves more of the credit.”
If you own a dog or if are planning to own one, you’ll love this. Text From Dog talks on a variety of topics ranging from dog gluttony to dog condescension to how a tennis ball is the answer to all dog problems!
1. Dog doesn’t know what fat is.

2. Do dogs have knees or elbows?

3. Dog + Ball = Bliss

4. Postman wins over the dog

5. Dog feels cheated

6. Dog loves everything and everyone

7. Sarcastic dog is so funny!

8. Dog’s favorite band -Fleates.

9. Dog is not fond of workplace

10. Batdog is so adorable.

Judging by the texts sent forth between the dog and the owner, we can safely say that these two make an adorable bunch. Though we won’t go so far to call it a love-hate relationship, it does have its wicked moments. October certainly doesn’t mince his words, but his dog somehow always gets the better of him :).
This tumblr blog has won the internet on various occasions ! What are you personal favorites? Write them below in the comments section. You can also connect with us on Facebook and twitter.